What is the lifespan of an okapi?

What are the Predators of the okapi?

The main predator of the okapi is the leopard, an animal that spends a lot of time resting in the trees and surveying the surrounding area for potential prey. Other predators of the okapi include wildcats such as the serval, and the human hunters in the area.

What animals are in the okapi?

The okapi seems to be a blend of various animals – part zebra, part donkey, and part antelope – but its closest living relative is the giraffe.

How many okapi are left?

How many Okapi are left in the world? The Okapi has been protected by law in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formally Zaire) since 1933, and the IUCN last estimated that there were between 10,000 and 35,000 individuals left in the wild.

What are the adaptations of an okapi?

Adaptations By evolution, the okapi feeds on an incredible variety of plants, for which reason, their stomach is very hardy and adapted to digest many hard-to-eat foods like the vermilion wax … Okapis live in high altitudes of up to 1000 meters. … The frontal reddish brown color of the okapi helps it to blend itself with the red mud. More items…

Do okapis have horns?

  • The long, slender legs of the okapi are white below the knee. Unlike giraffes, in which both males and females have horns, only male okapis have horns. These are called ossicones and are covered by skin.

Is an okapi an animal?

  • The Okapi is an elusive animal that inhabits the rainforests of central Africa. Easily recognisable by its zebra-like markings, the okapi is actually more closely related to the giraffe. Be sure to watch the video to see this incredible animal in its natural environment.

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